Gilles Savard, new general director of IVADO
Gilles Savard, full professor at Polytechnique Montreal, has been appointed General Director of the Institute for data valorisation (IVADO) by the IVADO council on October 3rd, 2016 for a 4-year term. He will ensure the deployment, the development and sustain the activities of IVADO as a world-class leading cluster/hub in data science and data valorisation.
M. Savard holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering with a specialty in operations research from Polytechnique Montréal in 1989. He became professor at the applied mathematics department of Polytechnique in 1993, then Director of the mathematics and industrial engineering department from 2001 to 2007. He is the research, innovation and international affairs director of Polytechnique since 2007. M. Savard is gradually stepping in the General Director position to allow a transition period until January 2017. He succeeds to Pr François Soumis, who temporarily held the general director position and who managed to gather the researchers of HEC, Polytechnique Montreal and the University of Montreal campus around the vision of IVADO.